What is Memorial Day? How to explain Memorial Day to your children and get them involved

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Memorial Day Weekend Events

What is Memorial Day?Memorial Day History

Memorial Day, celebrated on the last Monday in May each year, was originally referred to as “Decoration Day”.  Shortly after the end of the Civil War, many Confederate women’s organizations honored their fallen heroes by visiting their graves and decorating them with flags and flowers. For many, this was an opportunity to keep alive memories of kin they lost in the war. Decoration Day was continued across the US to commemorate the loss of those who served in the military during World War II. Gradually, Decoration Day became known as “Memorial Day.”

Events and activities that will get your child involved in Memorial Day

Shortly after World War II, events and activities were planned to honor war dead:

  • Parades
  • Placing wreaths and flags on the graves of military dead
  • Placing wreaths and flags on statues of local town war heroes
  • Visit a Veterans’ Hospital

Teaching Children The Importance of Honoring Their War Heroes

Though war is a difficult subject to discuss with young children, it’s important for them to take part in a local celebration on this special day. Take the time to help them understand why men and women in the military hold a strong belief in freedom and are willing to fight to their deaths to preserve freedom, liberty and rights for their families and future generations. One way to do this is to take them to a local parade and acquaint them with various military groups marching with their units. Parents can also create an itinerary for the day where they and their children visit military museums, view war enactments and statues of some of their heroes who fought for their nation.

Remember And Celebrate

The sole value of any commemoration is to keep in place remembrances so they become a national tradition that unifies a nation. Celebrate with projects children enjoy and make part of their own tradition as they grow. For instance, begin the day with a visit to a local cemetery where they can place flowers on the graves on relatives who served their country in the military. Allow children to create their own forms of memorial celebrations. Have them make flags and then display them in a window. Acquaint them with local military associations that have regular memorial activities. Explain the purpose of each of these groups. Educate children on the best ways to remember their local military heroes.

2012 Atlanta Memorial Day Weekend Events

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